It’s playtime – the power of play

Let's face it, adulting can be hard. You're expected to do everything for everyone and never feel overwhelmed or burned out. Plus leadership responsibilities can be heavy, and often keep us thinking about the wellbeing of others rather than ourselves. But a secret people rarely talk about is that just because we are grown-ups, doesn't mean we lose our desire to have fun and play. That's right, I said it; adults should make time for play, too! During a recent trip to Mexico, I was reminded how play for adults is rocket fuel. I was taken by the playful and joyful local culture, and met a fabulous Yoga Teacher who made learning yoga poses playful and fun.

It was like being a child again, simply enjoying moving my body and being silly, while accepting all the tumbles and giggles that can bring – especially when you have little balance and flexibility like I do! The classes were not about being productive or perfecting postures, they were about playing, learning and connecting back to ourselves.

If you're one of those people who don't like "wasting time" on anything that isn't productive, I have good news for you. Playing as adults has a ton of benefits that will help you to be more impactful at work, stay purposeful, and feel more replenished. Play is a crucial part of healthy development for children, yet we ignore its benefits as we age.

Here are just 6 of those benefits:

1. Stress Reduction and Improved Mood

Have you ever wondered why kids look so happy when they’re playing on the playground? It all has to do with hormones. Play triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. These “happy hormones” help alleviate stress and boost your mood. Research published in the American Journal of Play suggests that engaging in playful activities can even help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults (Burghardt, 2023). This builds on several studies that also show the connection between stress reduction and play (Van Vleet et al., 2015). When you’re less stressed, you can focus and enjoy your work more fully, making you more productive and successful.

2. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation

Playful activities not only reduce stress but work to stimulate the brain’s neural networks, fostering innovation and creativity. Studies conducted by the University of Cambridge found that adults who regularly engage in playful behaviours demonstrate higher levels of problem-solving and creative thinking (Bateson et al., 2013). Findings in The Journal of Creative Behavior (2023) back this research, citing play as a “key driver for advances in science and technology.” When you allow your mind and body to relax and unwind through play, it enables them (and you) to function at a higher level.

3. Improved Cognitive Function

One thing we can all benefit from is an improvement in our cognitive function. Play helps with this by challenging the brain and encouraging mental agility. It helps improve overall cognitive function and prevent cognitive decline -now that’s good news! Research from the National Institute on Aging found that adults who engage in mentally stimulating activities like play are less likely to experience cognitive decline with age. (Carlson et al., 2012).

4. Stronger Social Bonds

Play also provides opportunities for social interactions and connections, which strengthen relationships and foster a sense of community. In other words, it could help you enjoy the company of your co-workers more! A study published in the Journal of Leisure Research found adults participating in group play activities have a higher level of social satisfaction and support in their social lives. (Iwasaki et al.. 2013).

5. Increased Resilience and Adaptability

For those who struggle with taking risks, play could be the answer! Engaging in playful activities can encourage experimentation and risk-taking within a safe environment. When you feel comfortable and confident, you become more resilient and can adapt to challenges. The University of Wisconsin-Madison found that playful individuals have better-coping strategies to handle adversity and stress. They can also bounce back faster from setbacks (Isen et al., 2013).

6. Enhanced Productivity and Job Satisfaction

If you or your team are struggling with productivity and no longer enjoying work as much, then you may want to try some playful activities. Incorporating play into the workplace helps increase creativity, productivity, and job satisfaction among employees. The Association for Psychological Science (2017) shows that those who engage in play have better social interactions, a greater sense of comradery, and a friendlier atmosphere at work. Yes, we can make going to work so much more fun!

If you need some play inspiration you don’t need to go to Mexico, although I would highly recommend it! Why not try things closer to home like: painting or drawing, taking a group class, friendly group competitions, trying team sports, playing games with others, planning a quiz, dancing out or in the kitchen, completing a puzzle like sudoku or crossword, building lego models, trying an escape room, mystery dinner parties, a yoga session, joining a walking group or even rock climbing. The options are endless! You can even think about ways to bring more play into your team and organisational culture.

So take time out of your busy schedules to indulge in activities that bring you joy and spark your creativity. Your personal and professional life will thank you for it, as you navigate the ever-changing landscape of our world with renewed energy, purpose, and most importantly, a playful spirit.

To find out more about how you can bring more play into your leadership and organisation’s culture, schedule a call today